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Robin Hood you say? Jon Lovitz?


Well the first thing is, we really Love your work! I've always worked hard I want to say, but I listen instead, that's my job. only to interject briefly, I'm from Nottingham so yes I know the story.. I'm starting to get used to the idea that these guys at the Asylum work fast, and that suits me. My career has been unconventional, the idea of a 2 week schedule is only half as crazy as Johnnie To's disaster movie "Help" - which was a week of hell back in probably 2002. We made that I thought, I can do this. I mean the tools are so much better now. ( RX connect is my favourite tool these days for dialog altho I have a secret black box I got from some local "Audio Elves" cant say too much about that tho)

I think my favourite part of this movie is the crazy adlib I managed to get my good friend Rob Middleton - ( if you need a VO this guys is the Champ! ) -

I dont think they were expecting that in the montage and to be honest it was a brave move on my part, but it was totally lacking something, initially they knocked back my first half hearted attempt, but it wasnt a no, it was that VO needs to be better.. I can work with that I thought and I got on the blower. that along with getting my kids to giggle and yell "robin hood" was my favourite bit of the movie...

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